

A pharmacy is an establishment where medicinal drugs and devices are dispensed and sold, providing essential health services and ensuring patients receive the correct medications.

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A pharmacy is an establishment where medicinal drugs and devices are dispensed and sold.


Pharmacies provide essential health services by dispensing prescription medications, offering health advice, and selling medical supplies and over-the-counter drugs. They play a critical role in healthcare by ensuring patients receive the correct medications and dosage.

Examples of Use

  • Retail Pharmacies: Standalone stores or those within supermarkets providing medications and health products.
  • Hospital Pharmacies: Located within hospitals to supply medications to patients and healthcare staff.
  • Online Pharmacies: Digital platforms that offer prescription refills and deliver medications to customers.

Related Terms

  • Pharmacist: A healthcare professional who prepares and dispenses medications and provides drug-related advice.
  • Prescription: A written order from a healthcare provider for a specific medication.
  • Over-the-Counter (OTC): Medications available without a prescription.


  • Regulations: Pharmacies must adhere to strict regulations regarding the dispensing of medications and the handling of controlled substances.
  • Services: Many pharmacies offer additional services such as immunizations, health screenings, and medication counseling.

Related Terms