Hi everyone! We’re happy to share the latest updates of Kreo Software and introduce the new features of our product.
Let’s see what’s in there 🧐
Breakdown Property
We’re introducing a brand new property type in Kreo’s Assemblies Database called Breakdown Property, which allows users to create any custom breakdown for your BoQ, Cost Estimate or any other final document.
It also allows to divide your items and descriptions into work sections, elements or in any other way you need.
Great advantage of the Breakdown Property is that Kreo sets codes for each Breakdown section automatically. And of course you can set custom code for any section as well.

Show Codes
Get numeric codes for your Takeoff and Items reports automatically by activating this option in the Report settings. Each section has its code now. Kreo will also take your breakdown property codes into account if you use them.

Duplicate Groups
This option gives you the possibility to easily create copies of groups. To do this, you simply need to select the groups you’d like to duplicate and activate the "Duplicate" function with the corresponding button.

Copy-Paste Improvements
Copying and pasting content to the same location on another page has now become remarkably effortless.
You have to try it out asap!

What's in the next releases?
In the coming weeks, we will introduce to you and continue to improve a beta version of our new Wizzard feature ✨