Kreo Halloween Gifts: Export, Fast Menu, & More

Kreo Halloween Gifts: Export, Fast Menu, & More

October 31, 2022
Product updates
Kreo Halloween Gifts: Export, Fast Menu, & More

Let’s see which new features and improvements October brings to Kreo platform.
Delighter: this month we fixed 36 bugs 💪

  1. Annotations export to PDF is supported
  2. Fast navigation improvements
  3. Coming in the next release

Annotations export to PDF is supported

You’re now able to save all created dimension lines and sticky notes when exporting marked-up drawings into PDF format. To do this, you simply need to tick stickers and/or dimension lines in settings and press “Export PDF”


Fast navigation improvements

We’ve added a quick navigation menu at the very top of each project to make the management process inside your projects faster and easier.
Click on the small arrow near the project’s name at the very top of the working area in Kreo and you’ll see who and when created this particular project. Also, you’re able to perform the basic management options right from this menu: duplicate, rename or delete the relevant project, share it with your teammates, save it as a template and go back to the main page with all projects


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