Measurement styles, snapping settings & more!

Measurement styles, snapping settings & more!

October 25, 2021
Product updates
Measurement styles, snapping settings & more!

We're glad to introduce you to the product's latest solid update with several powerful newly developed features & a couple of significant improvements. Let's see what we bring to the product today...


  1. Measurement styles are improved 🎨
  2. Flip measurements horizontally and vertically 🐬
  3. New snapping settings βš’οΈ
  4. Keep Names & Auto Focus available 🏐

Measurement styles are improved

Starting from this update, you are able to change a line's thickness (from 1 to 10 pixels), as well as the line styles, making the line solid, dashed or dash-dotted.

You are able to change the measurement style both before its creation and after it.

Flip measurements horizontally and vertically

This update introduces 2 new commands for measurements, so that you can flip your measurements horizontally to the right/left (similar to a mirror reflection) or vertically to the up/down.

New snapping settings

With the snapping being enabled, 4 different snapping settings are now available in the Drawing Settings menu.
Select the most suitable for you out of the following:

  • ‍Line Intersection: The snapping is triggered at the intersection of several lines.‍
  • Line Midpoint: The snapping is triggered in the middle of the element.
  • ‍Path EndPoint: The snapping is triggered at any point available on the line.
  • ‍Point On Line: The snapping is triggered at any place on the element.

Additional new settings available

We've also added a few new settings which can be helpful to our users.

Keep Names β€” enable the setting to keep the measurements initial names when duplicating, copying or cutting.‍

Auto Focus β€” use the setting to automatically focus on a measurement when selecting it from the Measurements manager.


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