Meet AI Suggest — a new assistant for Construction Takeoff Software

Meet AI Suggest — a new assistant for Construction Takeoff Software

September 14, 2022
Product updates
Meet AI Suggest — a new assistant for Construction Takeoff Software

New powerful tool to automate your takeoff

We’re happy to announce the launch of free Beta Phase of our new killer feature called AI Suggest 🚀
We already had a private Beta period, during which thanks to your help we improved the tool a lot. Now you’ll barely recognize it both from the visual and functionality sides.
AI Suggest is a unique tool developed by Kreo’s Machine Learning department, that is able to predict a specific measurement you're willing to create from the very first point you specify. AI Suggest is not a simple script or code, it is a self-learning algorithm, which enhances with each new time you use it.
AI Suggest works in a very simple way: you need to specify a starting point for your future polygon & the algorithm will suggest a full polygon on a drawing. Not a relevant polygon suggested? No worries! Try to start from another point or add one more point & you’ll see completely different results! AI Suggest works for both blueprints & image files. Here you can learn more details about how the tool works.
It takes some time to get the logic of how the tool works but it’s definitely worth your effort. Each time you try the tool, you’ll better understand which point you need to start with to get the required measurement. Using AI Suggest will significantly save you time in creating polygon measures.

How to try the feature?

Simply sign in to your account & press the AI Suggest button. The feature is available for all users of the product with active or trial subscription.
Watch the video below to get the feature's logic & see how to enable your Beta.

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