Stay ahead of the game with the latest release

Stay ahead of the game with the latest release

February 14, 2023
Product updates
Stay ahead of the game with the latest release

We’re happy to introduce our huge update, bringing improvements and new features for all main parts of your working area in Kreo. You’ll be impressed! Let’s check it out.

  1. Selection and measurement creation flows are improved
  2. Performance improvements
  3. New Auto Measure walls and new structure
  4. Number of segments and points
  5. Spreadsheet filters are improved
  6. Spreadsheet collaboration
  7. PDF and Excel export improvements
  8. Billing history and Google Pay support

Selection and measurement creation flows are improved

This update includes 3 points that make creating and working with your measurements much more convenient:

One more way of adding measurements or folders to the existing folder is now available. To use it, click on the “+” button and select the required option you want to add

Selection and measurement creation flows are improved

"Select" mode for measurements and "create" mode are split from this update. Now you can select a measurement tool and then a folder you want to have your measurements in. In this way, Kreo will not highlight existing measurements as it did before

Kreo is now able to name your measurements automatically according to a group name

Group name

Performance improvements

Performance for measurement creation and reports is significantly improved. Here’re the main updates:

  1. Measurements are done immediately even in projects with thousands of measurements
  2. Loading and editing for Takeoff and Items reports is 5 times faster now

New Auto Measure walls and new structure

Great update for one of our AI tools. Since now, Auto Measure calculates walls without splitting them by windows, doors, and other openings!
At the same time, all results go to one common folder to make validation easier and avoid mess.

Auto Measure walls

Number of segments and points

This update brings a new takeoff for the existing measurements: get a number of segments and points for any polyline, polygon, or rectangle.

Spreadsheet filters are improved

Spreadsheet filters are improved

Report filters now support “Group to Cell” links to help you validate which measurements are used or not in your spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet collaboration

A very important feature for Kreo Team plan users. Kreo will now notify you if you are trying to edit your spreadsheet that was recently edited by one of your colleagues. Do your job with always up-to-date data.

PDF and Excel export improvements

Getting the output you need is crucial. Two great updates for the export are now available:

An exported PDF file may now show the length of each segment for your measurements

Segment Length

An exported Excel file supports formatting for Takeoff and Items reports, and, partly, for the Spreadsheet page

Billing history and Google Pay support

Two grand updates related to billing:

  1. You’re now able to see your billing history and download invoices right from the app, which is really convenient and helps to have all your payments under control
  2. Google Pay support is now available, which makes the payment process even smoother

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