

Assignment is the transfer of contractual rights and duties from one party to another, enabling flexibility in business, real estate, finance, and employment agreements.

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Assignment is the transfer of rights and duties under a contract from one party to another. This legal process allows the original party (assignor) to hand over its contractual obligations and benefits to a new party (assignee).


The purpose of assignment is to:

  • Enable flexibility in contractual relationships by allowing parties to transfer their rights and obligations.
  • Facilitate business transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, or sales of assets, where contracts need to be transferred to new entities.
  • Provide a mechanism for individuals or businesses to delegate responsibilities or gain benefits without renegotiating the original contract.

Examples of Use

  1. Business Transactions:
    • A company selling a division may assign its contracts with suppliers and customers to the purchasing entity.
    • During mergers, contracts of the merging companies are often assigned to the new, combined entity.
  2. Real Estate:
    • In real estate transactions, a seller might assign the lease agreement of a rental property to the buyer.
    • A tenant in a commercial lease may assign the lease to another business if they vacate the premises before the lease term ends.
  3. Financial Agreements:
    • Lenders can assign their rights to receive loan repayments to another financial institution.
    • Insurance policyholders might assign their benefits to a healthcare provider to streamline payment processes.
  4. Employment Contracts:
    • When a company is acquired, employment contracts might be assigned to the new employer, transferring the obligations to the new entity.

Related Terms

  1. Assignor: The party who transfers their rights and duties under a contract to another party.
  2. Assignee: The party to whom the rights and duties under a contract are transferred.
  3. Delegation: The act of transferring duties or obligations under a contract to another party, which may or may not include the transfer of rights.
  4. Novation: A related concept where a new contract replaces the old one, with the consent of all original and new parties, extinguishing the original contract.
  5. Subcontracting: The process of assigning specific tasks or obligations under a contract to a third party, often seen in construction and service industries.


  • The original contract must allow for assignment, either explicitly or implicitly; some contracts may have clauses that restrict or prohibit assignment without prior consent.
  • Assigning a contract does not necessarily relieve the assignor of their obligations unless explicitly agreed upon in the contract or through a novation agreement.
  • The assignee assumes the rights and responsibilities of the assignor, but the original parties must ensure that the assignee is capable and willing to fulfill the contract terms.
  • Legal and regulatory requirements may apply to the assignment process, depending on the nature of the contract and the jurisdiction.

Related Terms