

Chock: A heavy timber or wooden block used to prevent movement of vehicles or equipment by securing wheels in place.

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A chock is a heavy timber or wooden block placed under tires or wheels to prevent movement.


The purpose of a chock is to provide stability and safety by preventing the unintended movement of vehicles, equipment, or other wheeled objects. It is an essential safety tool in various industries.

Examples of Use

  1. Vehicle Maintenance: Using chocks to secure vehicles in place during maintenance or repair work.
  2. Loading Docks: Placing chocks under truck wheels to prevent movement while loading or unloading.
  3. Aircraft Parking: Securing aircraft wheels with chocks to prevent rolling on the tarmac.

Related Terms

  • Wheel Stop: A device used to prevent a vehicle from rolling beyond a certain point, similar in function to a chock.
  • Brake: A mechanism for stopping or slowing down a vehicle, often used in conjunction with chocks for added security.
  • Stabilizer: A device used to maintain stability, similar to a chock in function.


  • Chocks must be properly placed and sized according to the wheel size and load to ensure effectiveness.
  • They are often used in pairs for added stability.

Related Terms