

A neighborhood is a residential area where residents live within walking distance of each other, fostering community interaction and providing local amenities.

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A neighborhood is a residential area where residents live within walking distance of each other, forming a community.


Neighborhoods serve as fundamental building blocks of urban planning and community development. They provide a sense of place, identity, and belonging for residents, and often include amenities such as schools, parks, and local businesses.

Examples of Use

  • Urban Planning: Neighborhoods are designed to foster community interaction and provide easy access to local amenities.
  • Community Development: Efforts to improve neighborhoods focus on enhancing safety, infrastructure, and quality of life for residents.
  • Real Estate: The characteristics of a neighborhood, such as safety, schools, and amenities, significantly influence property values and appeal.

Related Terms

  • Community: A group of people living in the same area, often sharing common interests and resources.
  • Zoning: The regulation of land use within a municipality to ensure orderly development of neighborhoods.
  • Suburb: A residential area located on the outskirts of a city, often characterized by lower density housing.


  • Amenities: The availability of amenities like parks, schools, and shopping centers can significantly impact the desirability of a neighborhood.
  • Diversity: Neighborhoods can vary widely in terms of demographics, housing styles, and cultural amenities, contributing to the overall diversity of a city.

Related Terms