Auto Scale. Multi Scale. Ready-made Cost Templates

Auto Scale. Multi Scale. Ready-made Cost Templates

June 23, 2022
Product updates
Auto Scale. Multi Scale. Ready-made Cost Templates
  1. 96 bugs fixed 🐛
  2. Scale powered by AI
  3. Multi Scale
  4. Ready-made Cost Templates
  5. Performance Improvements
  6. Hacker attack 😐

Scale powered by AI

You don’t need to set up scale manually for each drawing anymore!
🔮 Our AI-powered algorithm is able to suggest a scale for a particular drawing depending on its peculiarities. All you need is to confirm or decline the suggestion once it’s automatically generated

Multi Scale

From now on, the system is capable of specifying the scale not only for one page, but for several pages at once

Ready-made Cost Templates

Kreo technical team has prepared free ready-made cost templates for different trades and cases to save your time and effort.
The templates are already available in our app under “Assemblies Database” tab. We prepared templates for the following trades: concrete, framing, drywall, painting, steel, flooring & masonry. Their aim is to help you get started quickly but they are not set in concrete. You can change, improve and expand the templates whenever you like

Performance Improvements

Loading and display time of PDF and CAD files has been improved by 2 times (1.875 to be more precise)

Measurements selection speed has been improved by 4 times

Hacker attack on Kreo

For a period of 3 days, 26,000 fake users have been registered in our application 😢
Our technical team has noticed and prevented the thread. However, we still had to close the registration of new users to the platform for one day while we’ve been fixing the issue.
If anyone who made the attack is reading these lines, we want to thank you for finding the platform’s flaw.
Thanks to this hideous issue, we have made the application safer and much more secure 😉

Coming in next release…

🤫 Do you want to know what we'll add in the upcoming updates? — View the post in Kreo Community

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