Guidelines aimed at minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainability across various industries.

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Best Management Practices.


BMPs are guidelines or practices that aim to manage resources and operations in a way that minimizes environmental impact, enhances sustainability, and promotes efficiency. They are commonly used in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and urban planning, to achieve better environmental outcomes.

Examples of Use

  • Implementing BMPs in agriculture to reduce soil erosion and runoff, such as contour plowing and buffer strips.
  • Applying BMPs in construction to manage stormwater and reduce sediment pollution, including silt fences and sediment basins.
  • Utilizing BMPs in urban planning to promote green infrastructure and reduce the heat island effect, such as green roofs and permeable pavements.

Related Terms

  • Sustainability: The ability to maintain ecological and resource balance over time.
  • Environmental Impact: The effect of human activities on the natural environment.
  • Green Infrastructure: Infrastructure that incorporates natural systems to manage water and provide environmental benefits.


BMPs are often tailored to specific industries and environmental contexts, and their effectiveness relies on proper implementation and ongoing maintenance. They are also subject to regulatory standards and best practice guidelines.

Related Terms