Liquidated Damages

Liquidated Damages

Liquidated Damages: Pre-determined financial penalties for contract breaches, ensuring timely project completion and providing clear remedies for delays or non-performance.

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A financial penalty issued to the contractor for not completing the project by a specified date. An amount of money agreed upon by the parties at the time of contract signing that establishes the damages that can be recovered in the event a party breaches the contract.


Liquidated damages provide a pre-determined compensation for losses incurred due to delays or breaches of contract. This helps ensure timely completion of projects and provides a clear remedy for the aggrieved party.

Examples of Use

  • Construction contracts: Imposing penalties on contractors for failing to complete the project on schedule.
  • Service agreements: Establishing compensation for delays or non-performance in service delivery.
  • Sales contracts: Setting damages for failure to deliver goods or meet contractual obligations.

Related Terms

  • Penalty Clause: A provision in a contract that imposes a penalty for breach or non-performance.
  • Breach of Contract: A violation of any of the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a binding contract.
  • Compensatory Damages: Money awarded to compensate for actual losses suffered.


  • The amount of liquidated damages must be a reasonable estimate of actual losses and not a punitive measure.
  • Both parties must agree to the liquidated damages clause at the time of contract signing.
  • Courts may not enforce liquidated damages if deemed excessive or unreasonable.

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